Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the need for connection

It has only been since I moved to NYC, a few months ago, that I realized the need I have to feel connected. I moved from the suburbs of southern CA, where I spent a decent amount of time alone while driving in my car, to a bustling city I am almost constantly surrounded by hundreds of people. Yet it is in this new life that I've realized how important it is for me to feel connected to individuals. I'm a people person- but I don't just want to be in a room full of people, I want to know someone there to some extent. I don't want to walk by people and avoid eye contact, I want to have something to say to them, something that means something, or even just a smile or nod, some type of recognition that we have a relationship, no matter how small.
This newly perceived need for connection is one reason that I am attempting this blog. In a time of my life when I am feeling disjointed, having a constant pull from both sides of the country, I am hoping that this blog will provide a sense of connection with the people that I miss, while at the same time creating new connections in my new home. I'm an optimist (at least, I think I am) so even though it may seem impossible to claim both the westcoast eastcoast as home, this blog is an expression of my hope that I will be able to stay connected to my life in California and also start a new life in New York.

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